Teach Strats


Call for Proposals: 2017 Leadership in Higher Education Conference

If you serve in a leadership role on campus, here’s your chance to get involved in a conference developed just for academic leaders.

Leadership in Higher EducationBrought to you by Magna Publications, producers of Academic Leader newsletter and the Teaching Professor Conference, the Leadership in Higher Education Conference is accepting speaking proposals for its 2nd annual conference, Oct. 19–21 in Baltimore.

As a session presenter, you’ll make a meaningful contribution to this dynamic and interactive conference. You’ll extend your own network and grow professionally. You’ll help other academic leaders examine the challenges, issues, and trends affecting management in higher education today—and return to campus with an invigorated outlook and an actionable plan for change.

Submitting a proposal is easy. Areas of interest include the following tracks; however compelling and relevant proposals that fall outside of these designated topics are also welcome:

Topical Area 1: Best Practices for Deans and Department Chairs

Topical Area 2: Leadership and Management

Topical Area 3: Evaluation and Program/Department Assessment

Topical Area 4: Faculty Hiring and Development

Topical Area 5: Issues and Trends in Higher Education

Featuring two-and-a-half intensive days of plenary sessions, preconference workshops, concurrent sessions, and roundtable discussions, the Leadership in Higher Education Conference provides insights to help academic leaders set direction, solve problems, and make a positive imprint on their campus. This is your opportunity to share your expertise at a conference of your peers.

For more information about the proposal process and how to submit your proposal, please go here.

Submissions are due March 31, 2017.