Teach Strats


Getting Started with Service-Learning

female student outside of college building

We are doing some (late) spring cleaning to the Mentor Commons. Removing the oldest programs as we continue to add new ones. This 20-Minute Mentor is from 2010, so while the technology looks a little dated, the content remains highly relevant. We’ll continue to add more programs that we’re retiring from video library throughout the next few months.

If you’re looking for guidance on integrating service-learning into a new or existing course, you will find it in this 20-Minute Mentor from Magna Publications.

Led by Barbara Jacoby, PhD, Faculty Associate for Leadership and Community Service-Learning at the University of Maryland, College Park, this program outlines the benefits of service-learning, how you can incorporate a service-learning component to your course, and how to manage the operational details.

Service learning supplemental materials Download the service-learning course design worksheet

In just 20 minutes, she explains:

  • Service-learning’s core principles of reflection and reciprocity.
  • How service-learning benefits students and communities alike.
  • How you can incorporate it into virtually any discipline.
  • How to develop community partnerships.
  • How you can assess student and community outcomes.
  • How you successfully manage the logistics of service-learning, from transportation to training to risk management.