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RSS Channel: Comments on: I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Workshop: Streamline Your Teaching w/ CUNY Librarians
[…] See this helpful post from FacultyFocus.com: “I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations” […]

By: Updated Info on Breakout Session with CUNY Librarians - Career Planning and Professional Development
[…] For now, check out this helpful post from FacultyFocus.com: “I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations” […]

By: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations | Teach Strats « Info Brewing & Bottling Co.
[...] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/instructional-design/i-dont-have-time-to-teach-that-the-benefit... Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. « Previous post Next post » [...]

By: Part 4: Teaching Staples for Librarians « Kevin the Librarian
[...] is collaboration with faculty as well as your audience. A blog post written yesterday titled I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations does an excellent job of explaining that librarians who are incorporated into teaching for [...]

By: Weekly Link RoundupLone Star Librarian | Lone Star Librarian
[...] The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations | Teach Strats [...]

By: Marlene Heroux
In reply to <a href="https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/course-design-ideas/i-dont-have-time-to-teach-that-the-benefits-of-faculty-librarian-collaborations/#comment-49375">Cornel Darden Jr.</a>. This project sounds great. Students are much more likely to pay attention when they have an immediate application for the information literacy skills they are being taught. Librarians have to create and grab at all opportunities to help students that they can.

By: Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations | iLibrarian
[...] Gillaspy-Steinhilper, Reference Librarian at Lower Columbia College writes for Teach Strats about I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations. “Community College instructors have a great deal to teach: study skills, a college [...]

By: “I don’t have time to teach that!” Article | HIGHLIGHTS: Library as Instructional Leader
[...] to Resource:  I Don’t Have Time to Teach That: The Benefits of Faculty-Librarian Collaborations [Web [...]

By: Cornel Darden Jr.
A mandatory 16wk Information Literacy course would solve this issue. Giving Librarians the opportunity to reach every single students before or while they are taking their first classes, making them literate, more tech savvy, and confident in their research processes.