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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Concept Mapping Improves Student Learning - Teach Strats | Teach Strats - News
[...] Concept Mapping Improves Student Learning – Teach Strats | Teach Strats. [...]

By: Mary
Thank you for the additional resources and examples. Concept mapping continues to be an important topic for our readers, and a terrific way to help students understand and apply complex concepts.

By: Adam
Concept Mapping is no doubt an essential tool for students. It allows them to effectively manage, remember and recall large chunks of information at one time. There is a great example of a Concept type Map about Critical Thinking Skills at the following link: http://blog.iqmatrix.com/mind-map/becoming-an-outstanding-critical-thinker-mind-map The article itself goes into a great amount of detail about the keys to effective Critical Thinking. It seems applicable to students and adult learners.

By: Ron C.
For advanced concept mapping, re-using the same objects of your project across maps while each map is another perspective on the same situation or subject, and indeed for life-long learning, use PMM Personal Memory Manager. Yes I developed it and I am not ashamed to plug it here. <a href="http://www.pmm.nl" rel="nofollow">http://www.pmm.nl</a>. Basic version is free. (Wish I had it when I was a student!)