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RSS Channel: Comments on: Faculty Evaluations: Those Hurtful Student Comments
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Reshma
A very crucial issue in teachers' evaluation..... I work as academic coordinator and the evaluation of teachers is being done by the school management team (SMT) of which i am not part of.... i work for teachers professional development and they share their frustration about their evaluation by students....sometimes this evaluation is done by some studnets who had not attended the actual classes. such an evaluation creates an issue of popularity.....as some teachers try to be over friendly with the students and try to be popular among them which sometimes is not effective..

By: Muriel
The comments by Hartz about student evaluations touches the tip of the iceberg in my area. Our evaluations are used as the criteria by which we are retained as annually contracted faculty. The department chair can give us "good marks" but, if the evaluations are low, it counts against us also for pay and seniority. On the advice of my doctor, I no longer read student evaluations. There is too much at stake for me to become depressed and demoralized over student comments. I've been teaching for 34 years and have taught junior high, high school, community college, and 21 years at the university level. Thanks for your sensitive comments.