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Learn How to Recognize Red-Flag Behaviors on Campus

A new online course designed to help higher education faculty and staff recognize and mitigate disruptive and potentially dangerous student behavior is now available from Magna Publications. The six-part course, Campus Safety 101, focuses on “the four D’s” of concerning behavior — distressed, disturbed, dysregulated and medical disability-based behavior — and how early and effective intervention can protect the campus community and enhance student success.

The online course features video presentations by subject matter experts, case studies, quizzes, and an online discussion forum. Further, because it’s offered on-demand, faculty and staff can watch at their own pace, go back and review key concepts, and can even continue their online dialogue with presenters and fellow participants after completing the course.
Campus Safety 101 is led by Brett Sokolow, J.D., founder and president of NCHERM and a specialist in campus safety, security, and high-risk student health and safety issues; and W. Scott Lewis, J.D., a partner at NCHERM who is recognized nationally for his work on behavioral intervention for students in crisis and distress, and has more than 15 years of classroom experience. The course will help colleges and universities ensure that faculty and staff know how to recognize problematic behaviors, when to confront them, and how to report them.

“There are different reasons why faculty and staff members might not want to get involved, but the violence has made this a campus-wide problem they cannot ignore,” said Sokolow. “Reporting aberrant behavior is expected now of all campus employees, and institutions have a responsibility to make sure faculty and staff are adequately trained for this new and often uncomfortable role.”

Preview the course.

A Rich Online Learning Experience
Campus Safety 101 is delivered using the latest high-tech tools to provide a rich, convenient learning experience, including Sonic Foundry’s Mediasite to deliver fully-synchronized audio, video and presentation materials, integrated with the popular Moodle course management system. Individual members can participate in the course as their schedule permits, and because there’s no software to download, it won’t create any IT headaches for the institution.

In addition, the course allows designated administrators to view each participant’s progress and final grade, as well as other cumulative reports. Monitoring the completion of the course gives the administrator a clear sense of how prepared members of that campus will be if a troubling situation should arise.

“Our goal with Campus Safety 101 was to create timely and relevant content that will help faculty and staff recognize and report red flag behaviors, and then deliver that content in the most convenient and engaging way possible,” said David Burns, publisher of Magna Publications. “The course essentially eliminates all hurdles that would prevent colleges and universities from ensuring their employees are properly trained in this important issue.”

Pricing and Availability
Campus Safety 101 is now available. The cost of the course ranges from $40-$50 per person, based on the number of participants enrolled from each campus. For more information, visit the Campus Safety 101 preview page, or contact Magna by phone at 1-800-433-0499 or email at sales@magnapubs.com.