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RSS Channel: Comments on: Retaining Faculty of Color
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Neera
Hi Everyone, I started my Ph.D. in Political Science in 1984 and spent 3 years FT to get as far as completing all the course work from the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. I stopped at that time to attend to my family. Multiple events made me postpone completion of the PhD; such as divorce, being a single mom, lack of funds to run a household, supporting my daughter in all spheres of life till she became a doctor and got married etc. Now I have all the motivation, time and energy to complete my PhD. I realize that I have put in a lot of work and given up on a lot of my life to get to the stage of completing PhD coursework and it will be a waste to just forget about it, not to mention a gap in my CV. So now I am wondering how to continue from where I left to complete my PhD. Also, is it possible to somehow restart it at another university (perhaps online)? In any case, I will need guidance on how to get fellowship / funding that I do not have to return. In the meanwhile, I also pursued a degree in Information Technology from the DeVry University in year 2000. I have taught for over a decade and worked for IT industry for eight years. Any advice will be much appreciated. Sincerely, Neera Jolly Gupta