Teach Strats


The Teaching Professor Technology Conference Issues Call for Proposals

Magna Publications, the leading provider of professional development resources for the higher education community, today issued a Call for Proposals for the 2014 Teaching Professor Technology Conference to be held Oct. 10-12 in Denver.

The Teaching Professor Technology Conference provides a thought-provoking and stimulating conference for educators of all disciplines and experience levels to share practical ideas and best practices for using technology to advance teaching and learning in higher education.

This year’s Call for Proposals seeks submissions for 45-minute and 75-minute workshops, as well as poster sessions. Submissions should relate to one of the following tracks:

  • Blended or Flipped Courses
  • Online Courses
  • Technology in Face-to-Face Courses
  • Social Media, Mobile Learning, and Apps

Now in its second year, The Teaching Professor Technology Conference serves as the perfect complement to the annual Teaching Professor Conference held each spring, while giving faculty a dedicated forum for learning proven methods for integrating technology into the teaching and learning process.

“The advisory board is looking for engaging and informative sessions that provide attendees with real-world solutions grounded in sound pedagogical theory,” said MaryAnn Mlekush, conference manager. “Proposed sessions may target faculty with beginning, intermediate, or advanced understanding of the topic, and should hold relevance across a variety of disciplines.”

Please go here to submit your proposal using the online form. Information on the proposal process, including what the advisory board looks for in a quality submission, is available there as well. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 15, 2014.