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RSS Channel: Comments on: The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 1
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: kathrynO'Hara
I agree that the first assessments will deliver a low isn grade especially if any technical competence is required , eg using an editing program like Audition for audio recordings . I must be doing something wrong though because I tend to make the grading requirements tougher as we move along. The assessments are likely to be lower towards the end of the course. Hmmm...

By: Online Colleges Or Universities Arizona
[...] you will be so easy understanding that fill an [...]

By: The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 2 | Centre for Teaching Excellence
[...] Tuesday, I provided general suggestions on course-based grading expectations practices. Here I share some [...]

By: Marta Layton
I was a bit surprised by the suggestion to provide a worksheet on how to view comments. While this may be very helpful (I don't doubt it is), I found myself wondering whether it was truly necessary - is there perhaps a way to use technology that *doesn't* require special settings? For instance, while I teach a traditional offline course, I always collect papers by email and provide the feedback electronically. To make things simpler, I make annotations in a word file but then export to a PDF - which shows the comments without requiring special settings.

By: The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 2 | Teach Strats
[...] Tuesday, I provided general suggestions on course-based grading expectations practices. Here I share some [...]

By: The Online Educator’s Complete Guide to Grading Assignments, Part 2 « « DediCommDediComm
[...] Tuesday, I provided general suggestions on course-based grading expectations practices. Here I share some [...]