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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Dwight Portman
With the online course I have taught I miss the face-to-face interaction with the students. I prefer the in-class web-enhanced classes that I have taught. With that type of class i can meet the students, lecture, have many physics demos for them to see in person rather than on video, solve problems with them in class and then have homework and assignments completed on-line

By: PIDP Week 3 – Creating a Positive Learning Environment | PIDP 3250
[…] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/personality-matters-when-teaching-online/ […]

By: Creating a Positive Online Learning Environment | Welcome to Lori's Blog
[…] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/personality-matters-when-teaching-online/ […]

By: Cathereine Madden
Thank you for posting this good information. i will be refering to your comments later in the semester when I interact with the class.

By: Miscellaneous | Annotary
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By: The Online Teaching Persona | Online Teaching and Learning
[...] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/personality-matters-when-teaching-online/ Online instructors are hired because they are judged as having the right combination of education, teaching experience, content expertise, and professional accomplishments. But once an instructor is in the classroom, these abilities and achievements can go only so far. There also must be a constant injection of personality. [...]

By: Teresa Kelly
In reply to <a href="https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/online-course-delivery-and-instruction/personality-matters-when-teaching-online/#comment-44209">@DrBruceJ</a>. Dr. J - if I might, try screen-cast-o-matic. There are no downloads. You can record a PPT slide show with narration, or you can do a screen cast. The cost is quite low $9-12 a year and you are not locked in to five minutes. You can also download in several formats like MP3 or upload to hosting sites like You Tube and my favorite - Google Docs.____Take Care__TK

By: Nita Bogart
As this fall will be my first time teaching online, these suggestions sound useful. One of the comments always made by students who took my "live" classes was that I was fun. I liked the direct access to students and hope to be able to translate my enthusiasm for my subject via the modalities learned in this class. I am enjoying the articles and videos which I have accessed so far.

By: shawnmford
Thank you for your insights. There certainly is a difference between a face to face and an online personality. Your points here have made me reflect on my own instruction and consider these differences in my instructional situations. I believe my personality in my online classes is rather dull, whereas my personality in my regular online personal life is more similar to my face to face personality in my personal life. I am also aware of the fact that I am somewhat of on actor on stage in my face to face classes, but I haven't really considered this possibility in my online classes. Good food for thought.

By: Personality Matters When Teaching Online | Teach Strats | Sarah's Blog
[...] Personality Matters When Teaching Online | Teach Strats. [...]