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RSS Channel: Comments on: Tips for Overcoming Online Discussion Board Challenges
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Challenges for Instructors and Learners in eLearning. – Learning and Teaching in a Digital World
[…] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/tips-for-overcoming-online-discussion-board-c… […]

By: Challenges of Facilitating Online Discussion | Blog in the New World
[…] for Overcoming Online Discussion Board Challenges, September 2012 http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/tips-for-overcoming-online-discussion-board-ch… found on May 20th, […]

By: David Duvier
Thank you for all these advices. I am searching for all possible information about the administrating of discussion boards for education goals. In fact I am writing a stundent project on discussion forums as e-learning technology . For this project I created several forums on a free forum hosting <a href="http://Forumotion.com" rel="nofollow">http://Forumotion.com</a> and I try to explore how we can use the performances and the advantages of this tool in education. If you could suggest some interesting sources about this topic I would be really thankful..

By: EDUC 4151 Resources and Tools | Val's Musings
[…] Sull, E. C. (2012) Tips for Overcoming Online Discussion Board Challenges. Retrieved from http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/tips-for-overcoming-online-discussion-board-ch… […]

By: @uwcVTLC
In reply to <a href="https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/online-course-design-and-preparation/tips-for-overcoming-online-discussion-board-challenges/#comment-54520">Elaine</a>. I use a rubric I designed through my Course Management System (d2L) to give specific feedback quickly.

By: @uwcVTLC
I think most of these can also be applied to those of us who assign blogs. Great list!

By: Elaine
My biggest concern, however was not addressed. And that is how to grade these? I want to grade for participation, but for the teacher to read everything and post and keep up with the discussion to grade--wow! It is a lot!! So can anyone help? How involved is the instructor in reading and participating in all the responses? and then, How do you grade these posts?

By: Haemarie.
This information is a wealth of knowledge to us wanting to start online teaching. I totally agree with all the issues pointed out, and if teachers are not careful and alert, students will not enjoy the online learning as was meant to be. I for one usually has too much to say when I am excited about a topic, because to me talking about something in detail makes me understand it better, and usually gets me more inquisitive to further investigate, thus at times get me off track. I would like to know more about this book. Can anyone help me?