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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

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[...] Usability Issues That Impact Online Learning – Teach Strats | Teach Strats. [...]

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<strong>Social comments and analytics for this post...</strong> This post was mentioned on Twitter by cinteractionlab: Usability Issues That Impact Online Learning http://bit.ly/1CzZAc...

By: Laura Carlson (lauracarlson) 's status on Wednesday, 11-Nov-09 18:32:33 UTC - Identi.ca
[...] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/instructional-design/usability-issues-that-impact-online-learn... a few seconds ago from web [...]

By: Twitter Trackbacks for Usability Issues That Impact Online Learning [facultyfocus.com] on Topsy.com
[...] Usability Issues That Impact Online Learning s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/instructional-design/usability-issues-that-impact-online-learning – view page – cached By: Patti Shank, PhD, CPT in Distance Learning, Instructional Design, Online [...]