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RSS Channel: Comments on: Synchronous Online Classes: 10 Tips for Engaging Students
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Tips to Create Engaging Live Sessions – Yin Wah Kreher
[…] M. (2017, June 26). Synchronous online classes: 10 tips for engaging students. Faculty […]

By: Miriam Meislik Lee
Instructors face many challenges these days. We are often teaching synchronous, asynchronous, and on-site only courses in the same term with each course requiring a different method of instructional attack. Thank you for the helpful tips and reminders.

By: Matt Weiss
As a classroom teacher, almost all of these suggestions are helpful to me in an actual environment, as well as a virtual one. In many ways, good teaching is good teaching, wherever the class meets or "meets." Great article.