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RSS Channel: Comments on: The Most Overlooked Items That Can Help Keep Online Students Engaged
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: Module Five Reflection-Student Assessment | Work In Progress
[…] http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/the-most-overlooked-items-that-can-help-keep-o… […]

By: E-brary | megmccreedy
[…] The Most Overlooked Items That Can Help Keep Online Students Engaged – See more at: http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/articles/online-education/the-most-overlooked-items-that-can-help-keep-o… […]

By: Create an Online Course | Office of Online Education
[...] Engaging Students [...]

By: Transforming your course from a traditional classroom to an online learning environment - Seeds for Innovation
[...] The Most Overlooked Items That Can Help Keep Online Students Engaged [...]

By: Jessica Weiss
I second the concern with colored text and different font and even images and videos. ADA compliance, or better yet, universal design, should govern all choices. It's especially important that the designer/instructor of an online class not sacrifice access for 'flash.'

By: @tecwrk
In reply to <a href="https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/online-student-engagement/the-most-overlooked-items-that-can-help-keep-online-students-engaged/#comment-65309">George Joeckel</a>. Great idea - the professor's voice! BbL has this option but I didn't think to suggest it be used in this manner. Thanks~

By: svenaake
Good points! Thanks. Agree, we teachers must pay attention to layout and interface when we make online compendia and e-books for our students. Online studies require extra motivation. Our online students as a rule outperform on-campus students. But that is because we teachers put more efforts into the online courses, use more metacognitive activities, and have a more stringent pedagogical approach.

By: @jainiminhas
Great post Errol! I found your tips really interesting. I'll try to include them in our teacher training programes at WizIQ. Ours is an online learning platform that uses Virtual Classroom technology to connect educators and students all over the world.

By: George Joeckel
"Black-and-white text can be boring." Comparing the use of non-black text to kindergarten may be a little harsh (although I've seen higher ed examples that would merit that rating), but I do think that multiple colors and fonts should be used judiciously, consistently and thoughtfully. Text choices definitely affect accessibility: <a href="http://webaim.org/articles/visual/lowvision" rel="nofollow">http://webaim.org/articles/visual/lowvision</a>. Thank you for encouraging online instructors to be enthusiastic and positive in their feedback to online students. We have seen great success in overcoming the time/space gap inherent in online learning through feedback that is frequent and personalized (to a degree tailored to the class size). Our institution uses the Canvas Learning Management System, and I encourage instructors to use the built-in audio recording tool for feedback. I think that hearing the instructor's voice creates an opportunity for a student to feel a deeper connection. It is also an efficient way to share feelings--curiosity, concern, empathy, etc.--that are difficult to represent in text.

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