Teach Strats


Get Recognized for Your Scholarly Work on Teaching and Learning

Magna Publications and The Teaching Professor are seeking nominations for the Maryellen Weimer Scholarly Work on Teaching and Learning Award. Now in its fourth year, the award recognizes outstanding scholarly contributions that advance college-level teaching and learning practices.

The winning author(s) will be recognized at the 2012 Teaching Professor Conference, June 1-3 in Washington, D.C. and will receive a $1,000 stipend. For more information, visit www.teachingprofessor.com/award.

To be considered, the scholarly writing must be at least 1,500 words in length and have been published in 2010 or later in a discipline-specific or cross-disciplinary pedagogical periodical, or a general higher education publication. The piece may address any topic related to college-level teaching and learning, and be written in a variety of formats including:

  • A research report (quantitative or qualitative);
  • an article that describes development and/or implementation of a new teaching strategy or assignment;
  • an article that offers advice based on research, experience, or both; or
  • an inspirational essay or article that takes a position with respect to an aspect of instruction or a teaching and learning issue.

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2012. Articles may be submitted by readers or the authors themselves.

A panel of published authors, editors, and faculty familiar with pedagogical literature will review the nominations. A complete list of criteria and submission guidelines can be found at: www.teachingprofessor.com/award.