Maryellen Weimer, PhD, Author at Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning
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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

Motivating Students: Highlights from Minds Online

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on February 24, 2015. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  It’s hardly a new subject. Every teacher knows it’s essential, and every teacher tries to motivate students. But it’s just as true that all teachers have experienced those days when they don’t feel particularly motivated, when the content seems […]

The post Motivating Students: Highlights from Minds Online appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Embracing the Silence

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on December 17, 2018. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  First snowflakes of the season today. Winter is settling in out here in the Pennsylvania countryside. It’s quiet, no birdsongs in the morning, few leaves left on the trees to rustle, and frost muting the crunch of those on […]

The post Embracing the Silence appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Taking Time to Refresh, Recharge, and Recommit

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on May 17, 2017. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  I continue to worry that we devalue the affective dimensions of teaching—the emotional energy it takes to keep delivering high-quality instruction. Most faculty are on solid ground in terms of expertise. We know and, in most cases, love our […]

The post Taking Time to Refresh, Recharge, and Recommit appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
The Last Class Session: How to Make It Count

This article first appeared in Maryellen Weimer’s blog in April 13, 2016. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. “First and last class sessions are the bookends that hold a course together.” I heard or read that somewhere—apologies to the source I can’t acknowledge. It’s a nice way to think about first and last class sessions. In […]

The post The Last Class Session: How to Make It Count appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Appreciating Our Colleagues

This article first appeared in Maryellen Weimer’s blog in November 2009. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. I appreciate what my colleagues do for me. I have colleagues who indulge my need to blow off steam. Some student behavior is nothing short of outrageous, some department policies are nothing short of senseless, some department heads are […]

The post Appreciating Our Colleagues appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Priceless Gift Exchanges between Faculty and Students

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on December 13, 2017. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  Teachers and students can give each other priceless gifts. “Professor Jones changed my life!” The comment is usually followed by the story of a teacher in love with content, students, and learning. How many times have I told the […]

The post Priceless Gift Exchanges between Faculty and Students appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Does Your Teaching-Learning Philosophy Align with Your Teaching?

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on December 10, 2018. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  There’s a new book out called Activating a Teaching-Learning Philosophy. The word “activating” caught my attention. To me that says “doing something about your teaching-learning philosophy.” Unfortunately, our current use of teaching philosophy statements doesn’t usually contain that expectation. Most […]

The post Does Your Teaching-Learning Philosophy Align with Your Teaching? appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Mind Wandering

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on November 23, 2016. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved. Many students don’t pay much attention in class. They come to class, but most of the time, only their bodies are present. When they study, that demanding task occurs as they attend to a host of other, often more […]

The post Mind Wandering appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
The First Day of Class: A Once-a-Semester Opportunity

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on August 19, 2015. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  There’s only one first day of class. Here are some ideas for taking advantage of opportunities that are not available in the same way on any other day of the course. It’s students’ first introduction to the course content. […]

The post The First Day of Class: A Once-a-Semester Opportunity appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.
Four Things to Do on the First Day of Class

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on July 5, 2017. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  First impressions are important and you can make favorable ones on the first day of class by doing things just a bit out of the ordinary. Here are some ideas: 1. Dissect the course title If it’s a course […]

The post Four Things to Do on the First Day of Class appeared first on Teach Strats | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.