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RSS Channel: Comments on: Building Student Engagement: 15 Strategies for the College Classroom
Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

By: The Learning Teacher: CTL Reading Club | Library News
[…] strategies for the college classroom. The Teaching Professor, 1-2ˆManga Publications Available at: http://s31450.p609.sites.pressdns.com/free-reports/building-student-engagement-15-strategies-for-the-college-c… (To download special report, complete the Captcha activity in the middle of the screen). […]

By: Pedagogy and Large Course Redesign « NAU e-Learning Center
[...] online publication Teach Strats recently published Building Student Engagement: 15 Strategies for the College Classroom, a report that offers some helpful tips for getting students involved in their own learning. [...]

By: Twitter Trackbacks for Building Student Engagement: 15 Strategies for the College Classroom [facultyfocus.com] on Topsy.com
[...] facultyfocus.com page http://tinyurl.com/y995jpu http://tinyurl.com/ydzl3hp   2 tweet [...]