Teach Strats



Stack of papers on desk with pens and sunset in background

Syllabi: Best Practices or Just Best Guesses?

Syllabi are a frequent subject of education research. Over the last decade, researchers have measured and assessed student responses to syllabus tone, voice, length, design,

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Ice cream scooper scoops strawberry ice cream

The Straight Scoop Syllabus

There is no shortage of professorial eye rolling when it comes to the subject of students and syllabi. Students might read the syllabus, but they typically

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Syllabus and curriculum plans drawn out in a notebook

Revisiting the Syllabus

The syllabus—most of us use them, many of our students don’t read them. We wondered if this venerable artifact of teaching might merit a revisit.

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syllabus review exercise

Empathetic Syllabi Review Exercise

“Do you know how much this exam is worth?”

“I can’t find any office hours listed for one of my classes—are there any?.”

“What if I get sick and miss a few classes—will my grade be hurt?”

My answer was the same for all three questions—“I don’t know.” Even though these were my first-year seminar students asking these questions, they were looking at syllabi from their other courses, part of a syllabus review exercise I do each fall with first-time students.

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