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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

Exploring Blended Learning Strategies

In higher education, the need for blended learning strategies will continue to grow. This resource guide will help you facilitate a fast change to engaging students in the face-to-face, online, or hybrid classroom using blended learning methodologies. From incorporating tools and resources that promote blended learning methods, you’ll gain specific insight from articles and seminars […]

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Flipped Finally Flopped and Up Floated a Better Model

The Flip Have you ever taught a flipped that flopped? Same, professor. Same. I desperately wanted my face-to-face classes to follow the flipped learning model where students begin the learning process at home before class – typically through video content over core concepts – so that valuable, limited class time could be spent working through […]

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Strategic Blended Learning in Higher Education

In spring 2021, inspired by feedback from students, I redesigned my two undergraduate education courses as blended learning courses. While I was familiar with the benefits of blended learning (e.g., flexibility, increased student engagement, improved academic achievement), what I didn’t realize was how essential this model was for teaching in the wake of a global […]

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Flipping Faculty from Guide on the Side to Mentor in the Center

The challenges for faculty working with students in the 21st century are rising. How can faculty meet the many challenges facing higher education? In the past, faculty could stand objectively in front of the class and provide didactic information to students via lecture. Students came to the classroom expecting information from a book and verbal […]

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Flipping Back to Campus

Now that we are safely (and slowly) going back to in-person classes, we have found that Flipped Instruction (FI) is on our mind. The logic behind FI acknowledges the different teaching spaces courses occupy: in-person/online, in-class/out-of class, individual/group, and direct instruction/active learning. The rush to remote instruction in March 2020 changed those spaces for many […]

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Eleven Alternative Assessments for a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment

Our mid-sized state university decided to institute a blended synchronous delivery model this year. A facilitated online workshop was offered over the summer to assist faculty in designing classes for the new learning environment, where almost 600 faculty registered. One area we explored included alternative assessments. We, as educators, are aware of the benefits of […]

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UDL and 21st Century Learning

Put simply, “people learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone” (Mayer, 2005). Multimedia theory posits the idea that people’s brains more effectively integrate new information when they can receive that information in multiple ways.  As we move towards a model of Universally Designed Learning (UDL), we’re inviting students to acquire and […]

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Engaged Gazes: Principles that Online and Flipped Teaching Can Learn From Themed Museum Exhibits

Online instructors have known for some time that the primary work of creating an online course consists of “curation,” which is usually understood to be a matter of selecting and creating appropriate texts and videos (Davis, 2017). But if we were to look critically at museums, an ideal representative for modern curation, we would recognize […]

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Implementing Active Learning and Student-Centered Pedagogy in Large Classes

There is a vast pedagogical literature spelling out the benefits of student engagement and active participation (1). A recent meta-analysis study of 225 active learning classes further concludes that “active learning has a greater impact on student mastery of higher- versus lower-level cognitive skills” (p. 8411). Active learning places the student at the center of […]

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Going Multimodal: 5 Tips for Making the Switch to Multimodal Assignments

With written communication becoming increasingly multimodal—from newspaper websites to your social media feed to your learning management system’s announcements page—researchers and practitioners alike have made the case for the value of multimodal assignments. While much of this work focuses on the theoretical changes, this article offers practical suggestions for faculty members with limited experience designing […]

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