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Higher Ed Teaching Strategies from Magna Publications

Student Engagement Strategies: Encouraging Behavioral, Emotional, and Cognitive Engagement in Your Course

Some of the most satisfying moments in teaching are when your students are engaged, when they are deeply absorbed in the material and they are contributing thoughtfully; however, this type of deep student engagement is hard to achieve. “I dread the moments when I look out into a classroom and see a collection of blank […]

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Building Community and Connection Between Students and Instructors in Asynchronous Courses 

Online teaching has become more popular and accessible for students. As such, more instructors are teaching online courses. Asynchronous online courses can create barriers for instructors to connect with students, but instructors can implement small and significant changes to their online courses that can help build community, connection, and relationships. Ideas for manageable connection principles […]

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The Power of Choice: Unlocking Student Engagement in the Online Classroom

As online education continues to evolve, the challenge to create meaningful and engaging learning experiences is paramount. Traditionally, the one-size-fits-all approach to assessment has been dominant, with all students completing the same activities throughout the course. This method, however, often leads to a lack of student engagement and, consequently, less effective learning. To counter this, […]

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Motivating Students: Highlights from Minds Online

This article first appeared in the Teaching Professor on February 24, 2015. © Magna Publications. All rights reserved.  It’s hardly a new subject. Every teacher knows it’s essential, and every teacher tries to motivate students. But it’s just as true that all teachers have experienced those days when they don’t feel particularly motivated, when the content seems […]

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Recovering Student Engagement at Mid-course Time

Around the semester midpoint you may be noticing that some of your students are becoming overwhelmed, may lack motivation, or feel disconnected from the class. Sound familiar? Unlike the end-of-semester feedback, when gathering formative feedback on what’s helping or hindering student learning might be too late, mid-term analysis of our teaching and student learning may […]

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The Discussion Board: How Faculty Can Make Discussions Authentic and Not Transactional

The discussion board is one of the most used assessments in online learning communities around the world. The discussion area is a place for students to interact and participate in meaningful conversations. Discussion boards are instrumental for engaging students in the learning process and creating a diverse learning community. Therefore, discussion boards need to be […]

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Empowering Students through Your Personal Narrative

Any teacher wants their students to feel engaged and enthusiastic in the classroom, connected and thriving through daily activities and course content. Of course, establishing that rapport and environment is a bridge that needs to be built every day, through every interaction, in any course. It’s not one action, or intervention, or step. But one […]

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Connecting Before We Can Physically Connect: Online Icebreakers to Use for the First Day of Class

I would venture to say that many of us have faced the situation where we are either teaching our classes in a hybrid format, or our first few weeks of classes are held online before in-person instruction begins. One of the topics on which almost all college instructors can agree is that the first day […]

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15 Ways to Engage Your Students In-person, Online, and in Zoom

In January 2022, Nova Southeastern University (NSU) resumed its classes in their regularly scheduled formats including in-person, hybrid, and online. However, we were encouraged to continue practicing flexibility in our teaching due to the recent surge of the Omicron variant of COVID-19. As a faculty member, I have had the opportunity to teach face-to-face, online, […]

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Strategies to Elicit Engagement in Online Labs

Nonverbal communication is essential for engaged learning and effective teaching. In-person classes allowed me to assess the effectiveness of my lessons by reading the facial reactions from students. Confusion, disengagement, attention, and epiphany moments all had distinct facial signatures that I could use to my advantage as an instructor. Such in-the-moment, on-the-spot feedback let me […]

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