Teach Strats


Survey Highlights Growth of Video in Higher Ed, Optimism over OER

video in higher ed

An annual survey on video in higher education found that more than half of the institutions who responded now use a video solution integrated into their Learning Management System. The figure is up 6% from 46% last year. In addition, three quarters of students in higher education use video in their assignments, up 4% on last year’s figure of 71%.

The survey, conducted by Kaltura, a video technology provider, also found an increases in the number of faculty using video to provide feedback on assignments (32% compared to 26% in 2015) and lecture capture technologies, which grew 5% to a strong 77% this year.

In terms of looking toward the future, 46% of all respondents said Open Educational Resources (OER) will have the greatest potential impact on educational outcomes. Graded quizzes inside videos, such as Kaltura’s Interactive Video Quizzes, were predicted by 41% of respondents to have the greatest impact on the classroom of tomorrow.

Other findings include:

  • 93% of respondents believe that video has a positive impact on student satisfaction and 88% agree that it boosts student achievement levels.
  • 87% of respondents agree that online learning will grow in importance and acceptance.
  • 86% think that video helps with professional development and collaboration between educators.
  • 85% believe that the use of video as part of their resources toolkit increases teacher satisfaction.
  • 82% of respondents believe that video makes student onboarding easier and 76% feel that it increases student retention rates.

A total of 1,500 respondents completed the online survey in April 2016. Respondents included educators, instructional designers, IT professionals, digital media professionals, senior administrators, and students from around the globe. Around 75% were drawn from higher education and 20% from K-12 (primary/secondary) institutions. The rest came from education technology organizations, educational non-profits, and other education-related institutions.

A copy of the full report is available on the Kaltura website. Registration is required in order to download the report.