{"id":177,"date":"2008-07-25T10:08:29","date_gmt":"2008-07-25T15:08:29","guid":{"rendered":"../../../../../www.facultyfocus.com/@p=177"},"modified":"2019-11-26T20:22:21","modified_gmt":"2019-11-26T20:22:21","slug":"privacy-policy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"../../../../articles/privacy-policy/default.htm","title":{"rendered":"Privacy Policy"},"content":{"rendered":"

Teach Strats<\/em> is a website of Magna Publications<\/h2>\n

This website is owned and operated by Magna Publications.  We are committed to protecting the privacy of our visitors while they interact with the content, products, and services on this site.  This Privacy Policy applies to the Site only. It does not apply to other websites to which we link.  Because we gather certain types of information about our users, we want you to understand what information we collect about you, how we collect it, how that information is used, and how you can control our disclosure of it. You agree that your use of the Site signifies your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site.<\/p>\n

1)  Information Collected<\/strong><\/p>\n

We collect two types of information from you: i) information that you voluntarily provide to us (e.g. through a voluntary registration process, sign-ups or emails); and ii) information that is derived through automated tracking mechanisms.<\/p>\n